Transient MLS121120:034932+285955
RA Dec (2000)
57.38213 28.99854
Rough Mag:
Discovery data
Current lightcurve
Pre and post-discovery MLS images
Images from other surveys
P60 Follow-up
Pre-discovery 2' Mount Lemmon Survey coadd image (transient location marked with 0)
N is towards the top and E is to the left.
ID RA Dec (2000) mag delmag delra (") deldec (") PA (deg)
0 57.38213 28.99854 19.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 57.40059 28.98996 16.8 -2.6 58.1 -30.9 118.0
4 57.39535 28.99233 19.0 -0.4 41.6 -22.4 118.2
8 57.39261 29.00733 15.6 -3.7 33.0 31.6 46.2
9 57.39224 29.00544 15.9 -3.5 31.8 24.8 52.0
11 57.38888 28.99384 17.8 -1.5 21.3 -16.9 128.5
14 57.38623 28.98882 18.4 -1.0 12.9 -35.0 159.7
15 57.38450 28.98873 16.3 -3.0 7.5 -35.3 168.1
18 57.37866 29.00742 18.6 -0.8 -10.9 32.0 341.1
19 57.37787 29.01267 17.4 -2.0 -13.4 50.9 345.2
20 57.37393 29.00844 17.8 -1.6 -25.8 35.6 324.1
21 57.37364 29.00035 19.1 -0.3 -26.7 6.5 283.7
22 57.37308 28.99826 18.7 -0.7 -28.5 -1.0 268.0
23 57.37290 28.99677 18.4 -1.0 -29.1 -6.4 257.6
2' MLS Discovery Images |
Image 1 | Image 2 |
Image 3 | Image 4 |