Transient MLS141227:032404+321003
RA Dec (2000)
51.01825 32.16760
Rough Mag:
Discovery data
Current lightcurve
Pre and post-discovery MLS images
Images from other surveys
P60 Follow-up
Pre-discovery 2' Mount Lemmon Survey coadd image (transient location marked with 0)
N is towards the top and E is to the left.
ID RA Dec (2000) mag delmag delra (") deldec (") PA (deg)
0 51.01825 32.16760 20.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 51.03149 32.17650 17.4 -3.2 40.3 32.0 51.5
3 51.02771 32.16502 18.2 -2.4 28.8 -9.3 107.9
9 51.01809 32.17977 17.1 -3.4 -0.5 43.8 359.4
11 51.01720 32.17310 18.5 -2.0 -3.2 19.8 350.8
13 51.01169 32.16871 17.9 -2.6 -20.0 4.0 281.3
14 51.01007 32.15182 18.7 -1.8 -24.9 -56.8 203.7
15 51.00934 32.16840 16.6 -3.9 -27.2 2.9 276.1
16 51.00907 32.16395 14.1 -6.5 -28.0 -13.1 244.8
18 51.00744 32.16993 17.3 -3.3 -32.9 8.4 284.3
19 51.00650 32.16326 14.5 -6.0 -35.8 -15.6 246.4
21 51.00412 32.17241 18.6 -1.9 -43.1 17.3 291.9
22 51.00062 32.16108 18.8 -1.7 -53.7 -23.5 246.4
2' MLS Discovery Images |
Image 1 | Image 2 |
Image 3 | Image 4 |