Transient SSS120216:134128-320001
RA Dec (2000)
205.36527 -32.00027
Rough Mag:
Discovery data
Current lightcurve
Pre and post-discovery SSS images
SDSS data
Images from other surveys
P60 Follow-up
Pre-discovery 3.6' Siding Spring Survey coadd image (transient location marked with 0)
N is towards the top and E is to the left.
ID RA Dec (2000) mag delmag delra (") deldec (") PA (deg)
0 205.36527 -32.00027 16.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 205.39405 -31.99203 15.1 -1.5 87.9 29.7 71.3
4 205.38648 -31.98612 14.9 -1.7 64.8 50.9 51.8
8 205.38050 -32.01341 17.6 1.0 46.5 -47.3 135.5
9 205.37966 -31.99983 17.1 0.5 43.9 1.6 87.9
10 205.37182 -32.01357 15.8 -0.8 20.0 -47.9 157.3
11 205.37073 -32.00337 16.1 -0.5 16.7 -11.2 123.8
13 205.36779 -32.02462 17.8 1.2 7.7 -87.7 175.0
15 205.36222 -32.00238 14.2 -2.4 -9.3 -7.6 230.8
16 205.35309 -31.97763 16.4 -0.2 -37.2 81.5 335.5
18 205.35157 -31.98931 16.1 -0.5 -41.8 39.5 313.3
21 205.34823 -31.98545 17.8 1.2 -52.0 53.4 315.7
22 205.34129 -31.97811 16.9 0.3 -73.2 79.8 317.5
3.6' SSS Discovery Images |
Image 1 | Image 2 |
Image 3 | Image 4 |