An SN candidate associated with a possible tidal stream
On 2013-05-31UT, during the course of regular survey operations of CRTS, we discovered
transient MLS130531:100208+115705. The source is has magnitude V=18 and appears to be
associated with galaxy 2MASXJ10020847+1157123. Based on the galaxy's redshift (z=0.0362,
the source has an absolute luminosity of Mv~-18.
Upon visual inspection of the discovery data
it was found that the transient coincides with an apparent stellar stream associated with a tidally disrupted
dwarf galaxy.
Archival SDSS and CHFT MegaPrime images of the host galaxy also support the existence of tidal
stream associated with this galaxy. The visual inspection also serendipitously revealed numerous filaments
and structures associated with CGCG 064-031, a galaxy situated 5.8'W, 29.4'S of 2MASXJ10020847+1157123
with a matching redshift (z=0.0364, NED). This source was previously noted as a "very compact"
galaxy (Zwicky et al. 1961), yet is clearly extended by on-going mergers.
Follow up observations are required to confirm the nature of the supernova candidate
and the existence of the possible tidal stream.
Discovery data
Links to SDSS data and
Reference and Discovery image of SN candidate:

CFHT g-band MegaPrime of galaxy 2MASX J10020847+1157123:

SDSS images of 2MASX J10020847+1157123:

Nearby (15.8' W, 29.4' S) Galaxy CGCG 064-031
Redshift z=0.0364
"very compact" Zwicky, F., Herzog, E., Wild, P. "Catalogue of Galaxies and of Clusters of Galaxies", 1961
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DSS2-B image | SDSS false colour image |
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CFHT megaprime r-band image | CFHT megaprime r-band image |
Link to SDSS data and