P. Wils (Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde, Belgium), J. Greaves (Northamptonshire, UK), A.J. Drake (California Institute of Technology), M. Catelan (Pont. Universidad Catolica, Chile) and the CRTS collaboration report the discovery of a possible FU-Ori-type eruption (see Hartmann and Kenyon 1996, ARAA 34, 207).� The object CSS091110:060919-064155 located at R.A. = 06h09m19.32s, Decl. = -06o41'55.4" (equinox 2000.0) and coincident with the infrared source IRAS 06068-0641, was detected by the Catalina Real-time Transient Survey (CRTS) on 10 November 2009.� It has been continuously brightening from at least early 2005 (when it was mag 14.8 on unfiltered CCD images) to the present mag 12.6, and may possibly brighten further.� On recent images a faint cometary reflection nebula is visible to the East.� A spectrum (range 350-900nm) taken with the SMARTS 1.5m-telescope on Cerro Tololo on 17 November shows H$\alpha$ in emission, all other Balmer lines and HeI (at 501.5nm) in absorption, and a very strong Ca II infrared triplet in emission, confirming it to be a young stellar object.� The object lies inside a dark nebula to the South of the Mon R2 association, and is likely related with it. In addition, also inside this dark nebula, a second object at R.A. = 06h09m13.70s, Decl. = -06o43'55.6", coincident with IRAS 06068-0643, has been varying between mag 15 and 20 over the past few years, reminiscent of UX-Ori-type objects with very deep fades.� Also this second object supports a variable cometary reflection nebula, extending to the North. The spectrum of this object also shows H$\alpha$ and the strong Ca II infrared triplet in emission.